Attention Monitoring Stations in Quebec City

If you have clients in Québec please take a note of the following information:

Lac des Seize Iles municipality will now be under the CAUCA 9-1-1 service call center for fire alarms.

Reminder: Monitoring stations that require fire alarm assistance should call CAUCA at this number 418 226-0527

Public Safety Ministry (ministère de la Sécurité publique) is keeping an update of the 9-1-1 call centers servicing the Quebec regions for fire alarm calls.

Click here for the complete listing of the 9-1-1 call service centers and the regions they are responsible for. Last modifications are highlighted in yellow.

A current listing of the 9-1-1 call centers and the regions they are servicing is available here. (in French only)

Click on the button “"accéder" beside "Carte interactive (IGO)". For precise information on a municipality, simply click on its name. The info will appear bottom left of your screen.

All police, fire and health service providers can be found under the application IG0 9-1-1 of the Public Safety Ministry (ministère de la Sécurité publique). You can also include this information to your WMS system.