Edmonton Police Seeking Feedback from Current Alarm Permit Holders

In an effort to reduce the number of false alarms requiring a police response, the Edmonton Police Service is considering several amendments to the City of Edmonton’s current Alarm Systems Bylaw. As these amendments will impact Edmonton business owners and residents with an alarm system, they are seeking feedback from current alarm permit holders. The proposed amendments and a summary of the feedback received will be presented to Edmonton City Council for consideration in the fall of 2019.
The EPS would like to kindly request your alarm company forward this communication and attached survey for distribution to your Edmonton based accounts via email. All survey results will be directly submitted to the EPS.
The Edmonton Police Service appreciates your partnership in this project.
Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.
Alarm Management Coordinator

Police Information Check and Alarm Control Section
Community Support Branch
Edmonton Police Service
#108, 14315 118 Ave.
General Ph: (780) 421 – 3410
Email: alarm.program@edmontonpolice.ca