Volunteers needed for collective agreement negotiations

Notice: Recruitment of volunteers to participate in the advisory committee – negotiation of the 2017–2021 collective agreement for the construction sector

Under the authority of the CANASA Québec Regional Council, members of the negotiating committee for the 2017–2021 collective agreement prepare this file in close cooperation with the Association de la construction du Québec (ACQ), one of the organizations that is officially mandated by law to represent the employer. The permanent members of the negotiating committee for the 2017–2021 agreement are:

  • Michel Houde
  • Jean Rho
  • Denis Bouchard
  • Karl St Laurent
  • Daniel Leblanc

The CANASA Québec Regional Council would like to complete this team by joining an advisory committee made up of electronic security system installation contractors. The advisory committee is a group of contractors who will be consulted by the negotiating committee in order to confirm the issues and its position with regard to the requests made by the unions and those put forward by the employer. As a result, the advisory committee must be representative of the various situations arising in the regions and within companies of different sizes.

To participate in the advisory committee, you must:

  • be available to take part in conference calls (at least three)
  • not have a matter in litigation with the CCQ

Deadline to participate: February 17, 2017

Registration: Send your request via email to Danielle Paquin, Director of Government Affairs, at dpaquin@canasa.org or call (514) 884-3343.