City of Kingston invites stakeholders to a consultation meeting
July 21, 2017 • 10 a.m-11:30 a.m.
CANASA would like to bring to your attention this important meeting about alarm installation and alarm monitoring policies in Kingston, Ontario.
Kingston Police Headquarters
(Community Room)
705 Division Street
Kingston, Ontario
The City’s Licensing and Enforcement Division and the Kingston Police are hosting a stakeholder consultation meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce and explain the proposed changes to the alarm installation and alarm monitoring regulations and to answer questions and receive feedback and comments from alarm companies operating in Kingston. The proposed changes to the by-law include: the addition of new definitions, a re-structuring of the false alarm fees schedule and a warning protocol for excessive false alarms that could ultimately result in the suspension of Police response.
CANASA's Executive Director, Patrick Straw, along with local CANASA representatives will be attending. It is imperative that we have as much representation as possible at this meeting from interested parties.
This type of program has been and continues to be discussed across Canada by individual police departments. Please plan to attend this meeting yourself and encourage others from your organizations or others to attend as well. We must serve a strong message to Police Services that these types of decisions are important to our membership and the best way to do so is with a prominent presence at any meetings we are invited to.
For those unable to attend the July 21st meeting, a draft copy of the proposed changes and a summary of the discussion will be distributed to all invitees. Questions or comments will be received until July 31, 2017 and can be sent to Greg McLean, Policy and Program Coordinator, Licensing and Enforcement, City of Kingston by email at or by mail to 216 Ontario Street, Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3.
Please advise by reply email if you will be attending the consultation meeting to the Alarm Coordinator at
Communiqué from City of Kingston.