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Central Ontario Regional Council Member Meeting

Change Management Speaker Series
Session One: The Myths of Change
Thursday, March 2, 2017


The security industry changes each time new technologies enter the market - and while it's one thing to learn how to use those technologies - it's another thing entirely to assimilate the changes they bring into our organizations. 'Change Management' isn't about the technologies that introduce change, its about how we manage the disruptive nature of those changes. When we've done something a particular way for a decade, there is a natural reluctance to start doing things differently. Change Management is about how we deal with that 'reluctance' and enable our organizations to move into the future faster, and with less chaos, stress and confusion.

CANASA is offering an expert on management strategies and this will serve as a value to our members. Please click here for a sneak peek at the professional speaker we’re providing to help you grow with your business.


Jack Astor’s Bar and Grill
25 Carlson Court
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6A2

Time: 7:30 a.m.-10 a.m.

7:30 a.m.     Registration and networking breakfast
8 a.m.          Presentation begins
9:30 a.m.     Networking opportunity

What is Change Management Really About?
The presentation is highly interactive, thought provoking and guaranteed to generate good, deep, discussion about how Change is, and should be, implemented in an organization. It is also, unavoidably fun.

Ask most managers this simple question, “Do people resist Change” – and their answer will be an enthusiastic and uncompromising “Yes!”

If you’re in charge (Or think you’re in control) of Change – then it’s necessary to understand that some of our beliefs surrounding Change are Myths – and that acting as if those myths were true, make Change more difficult than it needs to be.

Once those myths are put to the side, there’s huge opportunity to transform Change from the threat that we seem to think it is, to a situation ripe with possibilities. Change, regardless of our views about it, is how we grow – it’s also necessary to understand that sometimes, when we’re surrounded by start-ups and new technologies – Change is necessary just in order to maintain our position in our industry.

Guest Speaker:

Peter de JagerPeter de Jager,
Peter de Jager & Company Limited

Peter de Jager is a keynote speaker/writer/consultant on the issues relating to the Rational Assimilation of the Future. He has published hundreds of articles on topics ranging from Problem Solving, Creativity and Change to the impact of technology on areas such as privacy, security and business. His articles have appeared in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Futurist and Scientific American.

He is best known to project management audiences for his efforts to create responsible awareness of the Y2K issue – For which he received several awards from IT associations and Govt. Agencies.

In addition to presentations and seminars on the topics above, he has written dozens of regular columns. These include; Association Trends, CIPS across Canada, Enterprise, Globe & Mail online and Municipal World.

He’s spoken in more than 40 countries and is recognized worldwide as an exciting, humorous, provocative and engaging speaker. His audiences have included the World Economic Forum, The World Bank and The Bank for International Settlements.
His presentations and workshops are highly interactive, fun, irreverent to mistaken ideas and most distinctively - provocative. He forces the audience, by demonstrating conflicts between their stated beliefs and behaviours, to think differently about what they thought they knew. You can read much of his work in the publications section of and you can view many of his webinars at:

Member: Free
Non-member: $30 (plus tax)

Pre-registration required. Deadline for registration is Thursday, February 23, 2017.

All payments must be made prior to the event. made prior to the event. Refunds will only be granted up to one week prior to the event.

For more information:
Zen Lombardi
Meeting and Event Planner
Tel: (905) 513-0622 ext. 239
Toll Free: 1 (800) 538-9919 ext. 239

Thank you to the “Change Management Speaker Series”
Gold Sponsor


The following upcoming events are part of this three session series:
Session Two: The Seven Questions of Change, May 11, 2017.
Session Three: Implementing Change, October 5, 2017.

Jack Astor's Bar & Grill 25 Carlson Court Toronto, ONtario M9W 6A2

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