Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q: If one of the criteria lapses and my company is on “probation” status can we still bid on a job that requires a CASC Company?

Yes. The company is still considered accredited until the status changes to “cancelled”.

Q: If a company does not meet the criteria and is not accredited due to an error/misunderstanding in information, what period of time is a company given after being provided a letter from CANASA to provide the correct information? 

Once the applicant receives official notification from CANASA on the status of their application the company can respond and provide additional documents within six months from the date of notification. After six months, the company must reapply and pay the application fee. 

Q: How often is a CASC Company required to update CANASA with a list of new employees? 

A: A CASC Company is required to advise CANASA yearly upon renewal of their CASC accreditation of any new employees and provide Criminal Reference Check(s) and, if applicable, ATC Level 1 certificate(s) for those employees.

Q: How often is a CASC Company required to update CANASA with a list of employees no longer employed by the company? 

A: A CASC Company is required to advise CANASA yearly upon renewal of their CASC accreditation of any employees that have left the company’s employment.

Q: If one of the criteria lapses how much time do I have to resolve the issue?

A:  A CASC Company has 90 days, from the date of notification, to resolve the issue. If the company cannot resolve the issue within that timeframe their CASC status will be cancelled.

CANASA membership:

Q: If a company operates in more than one location but only one location is a CANASA member, are the other locations required to become CANASA members in order to apply to the CASC program?

A: Yes. All locations of a company must become CANASA members in order to apply to the CASC program.

Criminal Reference Checks (CRCs):

Q: What type of Criminal Reference Check (CRC) is acceptable when applying to the CASC program?

A: To apply to the CASC program, basic criminal reference checks are required. However, some companies may use more detailed CRCs such as vulnerability CRCs. As long as the elements of a basic CRC are captured in the type of CRC your company uses, these will be deemed acceptable.

Q: What convictions are not acceptable on a Criminal Reference Check?

A: The CASC program uses the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005, Ontario Regulation 37/08, Eligibility to Hold a Licence — Clean Criminal Record list as the reference for all convictions. The lists can be found here.    

Q: Does a company have to delay applying to the CASC program if they are waiting for a pardon for one of its employees due to a conviction?

A: No. The company can apply to the CASC program, but must submit the official government pardon declaration along with the CRC showing the offence for the employee in question when applying to the CASC program. Once the pardon has been granted, the company must immediately provide a clean CRC for the employee in question. If upon accreditation renewal (one year later) and/or site check the CRC has not been cleared of the offence, ULC may determine that the CASC Company’s accreditation status should be changed to probation until the issue is resolved.

Q: How is the Criminal Reference Check information going to be safeguarded?

A: The Canadian Security Association and Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada have strict privacy policies which they must adhere to that protect the privacy of all applicant information including CRC details.

Q: Is a letter outlining the employees who have CRCs sufficient to apply for accreditation?

A: Yes. A letter on company letterhead identifying the employees who have CRCs is acceptable. If the company chooses not to include employee names, due to their own privacy policy, they may use employee numbers. The letter must be signed by either the Human Resources Manager or a signing officer of the company and must also state that all CRCs being submitted have been checked against the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005, Ontario Regulation 37/08, Eligibility to Hold a Licence — Clean Criminal Record list ( and that no offences on that list appear on any of the CRCs they are currently submitting. ULC will confirm at the time of its site inspection that CRCs are in place for employees under the CASC program. It is at this time that the company must allow the original CRCs to be viewed by the ULC inspector.

Q: How often are CRCs to be obtained?

A: Annually for all employees covered under the CASC program. These must be submitted with the company’s CASC renewal application.

Q: Based on the requirements for CRCs, do our finance and IT staff require valid CRCs if they are not involved in the sale, service, installation or programming of electronic security systems assuming they have no requirement to have access to non-accounting client security information?

A: No. Your finance and IT staff are not required to have CRCs since they are not involved in the sale, service, installation, or programming of electronic security systems and would not be eligible under the CASC program. We do however suggest that all companies make the practice of obtaining CRCs for all employees part of their regular human resources routine.


Under the CASC payment schedule what category of employees are included as CASC employees?

A: All of the company's staff, who are involved with the sale, service, installation, and programming of electronic security systems and those employed by the company who can have or do have access to non-accounting client security system(s) information.


In terms of the ATC Level 1 course, what if the course is not available to a company within their 90 day timeline and the company is not able to meet the 90 day requirement?

A: CANASA has increased course offerings in response to the higher demand of the CASC program. CANASA is also working with individual companies to offer private courses for the field technicians, in some cases, on the company’s premises at a time convenient for the company. CANASA staff will work with your company to ensure your timelines are met. If for any reason CANASA cannot accommodate your request a reasonable extension will be given to ensure all deadlines are met.

Q: Does the ATC Level 1 require a field technician to have experience prior to taking the course. What if the field technician hired by a company is new to the security industry and has no experience, how can they take the course within 90 days of hire? 

A: The main objective of the ATC Level 1 course is to demonstrate and teach the basics of security installations. Basic knowledge of alarm systems is required in order to take the ATC Level 1 course. Therefore a new employee with a small amount of field experience can take the course at any time after becoming employed and should do so within three months of employment.


Q: Normally when I create a clearance certificate, I do it under the name of the company requesting the certificate, but I could not find a listing for the Canadian Security Association (CANASA).

A: A clearance certificate can be requested from WSIB as long as you provide CANASA’s complete mailing address to the WSIB office, which is:

50 Acadia Avenue, Suite 201
Markham, Ontario
L3R 0B3

Legislation in other provinces:

If a company operates in Quebec where legislation already exists for the security industry, what value is there be for them to become accredited?

A: It is not the intent of the CASC program to replace existing programs in provinces that have mandated government regulations. Some companies will choose to participate because once they are CASC accredited they will have exposure to jobs that include CASC Companies in the tender requirements.

Q: If a company that operates in a province that has security legislation already in place would they automatically become accredited under the CASC program?

A: No. They would have to apply, demonstrate compliance to the criteria and pay all applicable program fees in order to become accredited under the CASC program.


There are security companies headquartered in Ontario which use sub-contractors in other provinces including British Columbia, Quebec and Nova Scotia. These sub-contractors would not support the costs to become CASC accredited, especially in those provinces where security legislation already exists. Would continuing to use these sub-contractors which are not accredited contribute to a company losing their accreditation upon being audited?

A: CASC Companies using sub-contractors in provinces where security legislation exists will not lose their accreditation, as those sub-contractors already adhere to their respective provincial regulations.  The CASC Company will have to provide proof of the sub-contractor’s compliance to the criteria in order to retain their accreditation. It is the mandate of the CASC program, that if a CASC Company continues to use non-CASC compliant sub-contractors, they will be notified, their accreditation will be put on probation and they will be given the option to provide proof of adherence for those sub-contractors within 90 days. After 90 days if the CASC Company cannot provide proof of their sub-contractor’s compliance to the program criteria their accreditation will be cancelled.


Q: Does a company’s sub-contractors have to become accredited first before a company can apply for accreditation?

A: No. A company can apply for accreditation before their sub-contractor(s). Once accredited the CASC Company has a 90 day transition period to ensure their sub-contractor(s) comply with CASC criteria. 

Monitoring stations:

Are monitoring stations considered sub-contractors?

A: ULC Listed monitoring stations have been added to the sub-contractor exclusion list provided they are not offering installation or service of security equipment.

If a company has an in-house ULC Listed monitoring station and wants to become accredited, the monitoring station employees would not fall under the CASC program. The company would be responsible to have all other staff involved in the sale, service, installation, or programming of electronic security systems listed under the program.

All monitoring stations that are not ULC Listed would need to adhere to the criteria or become accredited in order to be used as a sub-contractor by a CASC Company.

Incorporation documents:

Q: What if my company does not have its original incorporation documents. Where can I find a copy of my federal corporation’s Letters Patent and by-laws?

A: Your Corporation’s Letters Patent and by-laws can usually be found in the corporation’s minute book. However, if they cannot be located, copies of documents can usually be obtained from Corporations Canada. There is a charge of ($1 per document) when more than nine documents are requested. There is no charge when nine documents or fewer are requested. Copies may be ordered from Corporations Canada by email at or by fax at 613-941-4803. For further information, please contact Corporations Canada toll-free at 1-866-333-5556.

Last updated on July 16, 2014