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Central Ontario Regional Golf Tournament

CANASA Central Ontario Regional Council.

For tournament details click here.

For sponsorship opportunities click here to view Sponsorship Prospectus.

Questions? Contact Rishad Alam at ralam@canasa.org or call 1-800-538-9919 ext. 239.

Thank you to our sponsors

Station Creek Golf Club 12657 Woodbine Ave Gormley, ON L0H 1G0


Thursday, 18 July 2019

Includes Green Fees, Cart, Lunch and Dinner. Please click on Register Myself first  to continue.

Please click on Register Myself first to continue.

Limited to 1 sponsorship per company. Please review the Sponsorship Prospectus for terms and conditions by clicking on the sponsorship category. Includes lunch for 2. Dinner is not included and must be purchased separately. Make sure to click on Register Myself first to add.

Exclusive to 1 sponsor. Please review the Sponsorship Prospectus for terms and conditions by clicking on the sponsorship category. Dinner is not included and must be purchased separately. Make sure to click on Register Myself first to add.

Exclusive to 1 sponsor. Please review the Sponsorship Prospectus for terms and conditions by clicking on the sponsorship category. Dinner is not included and must be purchased separately. Make sure to click on Register Myself First to add.

Exclusive to 1 sponsor. Please review the Sponsorship Prospectus for terms and conditions by clicking on the sponsorship category. Dinner is not included and must be purchased separately. Make sure to click on Register Myself First to add.

Exclusive to 1 sponsor. Please review the Sponsorship Prospectus for terms and conditions by clicking on the sponsorship category. Includes lunch for 2. Dinner is not included and must be purchased separately. Make sure to click on Register Myself first to add.

Exclusive to 1 sponsor. Please review the Sponsorship Prospectus for terms and conditions by clicking on the sponsorship category. Includes lunch for 2. Dinner is not included and must be purchased separately. Make sure to click on Register Myself first to add.

Exclusive to 1 sponsor. Please review the Sponsorship Prospectus for terms and conditions by clicking on the sponsorship category. Includes 2 complimentary dinners. Make sure to click on Register Myself first to add.

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