Proposed Slate of 2019-2021 CANASA National Board of Directors

The Nominating Committee is responsible to select and present the members with a proposed slate of Directors. The Directors make up the National Board that governs CANASA, with a mandate to actively pursue the purposes, mission and goals of the Association.
The slate is the result of a call for nominations sent out on November 15, 2018, where each person, who’s name appears on the list, fulfilled the election requirements as dictated in our by-law. The new Board will take office after the Association’s AGM on April 24, 2019.
The Nominating Committee received a number of nominations from members and was very impressed with the high calibre of qualified nominees.

Here is the proposed slate of 2019-2021 CANASA National Board of Directors (by role):
BC Representative:

Alberta Representative:
Munn, Fred, Orion Monitoring
Prairie Representative:
Metcalf, Jonathan, National Industrial Communications Inc.
Ontario Representative:
Vella, Mary, API Alarm Monitoring
Quebec Representative:
Ptack, Brahm, Corporation Centrale de Sécurité B.P.G. Ltée.
Atlantic Representative:
Hebb, Gordon, Wilsons Security
Monitoring Community:
Leonard, Kevin, Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Inc.
Vendor Community:
Moore, Robert, Axis Communications, Inc.
Directors at Large:
Armour, Stuart, Affordable Security
Dittburner, Trask, G4S Secure Solutions (Canada) Ltd
Jagmohan, Ron, Resideo Technologies, Inc.
Smith, Bob, Alliance Security Team

If you wish to propose an additional nominee, you are required to complete an endorsed nomination form before March 10, 2019 and obtain the written endorsement of five current members.
Erin Marsden
Board & Council Liaison