Call for Nominations for Positions on Regional Councils and the National Board of the Canadian Security Association

Regional Councils

Due Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Canadian Security Association (CANASA) elections are underway. We are looking for volunteers to join local Regional Councils for a term of two years beginning in June 2023.

Information on Regional Council roles and responsibilities:

For further information regarding the nomination process and important timeline dates, please click here. To download the Nomination Form, click here.

The Nomination Form must be submitted by email before the deadline of 5 p.m. EST on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 to:

Canadian Security Association
ATTN: Erin Marsden


National Board of Directors

Due Friday, March 17, 2023

2023 is an election year and CANASA is looking for individuals interested in becoming National Board members with a commitment to ensure that the Association is governed with excellence and vision.

In accordance with our by-law, the new Board of Directors will be ratified at the Annual General Meeting scheduled to take place on June 14, 2023 in Richmond, BC. If you are elected, your two-year term will begin with a meeting on the the day of the AGM.

Information on National Board Director roles and responsibilities:

Click here
for details about the Nominating Committee, the election process and to access the National Board member application. Click here for the nomination timeline.

All aAll applications must be submitted by Friday, March 17, 2023 at 5pm Eastern Time. Please be sure to complete pages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of the application form in full before sending it.

Canadian Security Association
ATTN: Erin Marsden