Untitled Document

Acknowledgements and Accomplishments

Q1 2014

Regional Council members asked that CANASA staff members Zen Brum and Steve Basnett be acknowledged for their work on the revised National Golf Sponsorship program and prospectus. Specifically, Council representatives appreciated being consulted about the program and that their input and feedback was considered and in many cases incorporated into this second iteration of the program.

Ottawa Sub-chapter President Chris Izatt (Alarm Systems & Falcon Security) reached out to a personal contact he had at VIA Rail to begin negotiations for a National discount for CANASA members. Staff completed the transaction and have now added VIA to our Affinity Program. Members are able to obtain discounts of up to 5% on travel across Canada.

Ontario Chapter President Richard McMullen (Fleming Communication Inc.) represented CANASA at an Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) 2014 Crime Prevention Campaign media launch/press release ceremony on February 27. The Ontario Chapter advertised in an OACP Crime Prevention booklet which is distributed to home owners and at Police Stations across Ontario and CANASA was given the opportunity to explain what the organization does and how we want to work with the police to reduce false alarms and to improve homeowner safety. Richard gave the presentation on behalf of CANASA and the Ontario Chapter, at Police Headquarters in Toronto.

Golden Horseshoe Board members donated three days of their personal time, over the March 7-9 weekend, to ‘man’ the CANASA booth at the local home show in Hamilton Ontario. These eight individuals (Joe Rossano (L’Aquila), Anna Duplicki (Lanvac), Brad Hooton (Owl Tech), Mike Polo (Hall Telecommunications), Scott Hammond (Hammond Manufacturing), David Lopinski (David Lopinski Electric Ltd), Kevin Allison, Fire Monitoring of Canada, Gene Blahut (Design Electronics), will be promoting the benefits of hiring a CANASA member, at this well attended event, reaching up to 20,000 homeowners.   

On March 18, APA held their annual roadshow event in Ottawa. Ottawa board members Tom Gagnon and Richard McMullen spend the day at the CANASA booth and reported many connections with veteran members as well as several introductions to potential new members. During the conference program APA recognized the many CANASA volunteers in the room to acknowledge their efforts. 

Golden Horseshoe board member Scott Hammond created a very professional video of the chapter’s recent participation and exhibition at the Hamilton Home Show (March 2014), featuring interviews of several board members at the booth and video of the show! SP&T magazine added it to their website ‘headlines’ under the industry news tab. Check it out!